Friday, September 23, 2011

FlightCamp Basics: Plank on TRX

    FlightCamp TRX can effectively strengthen your core when you engage and maintain a proper plank as you move through the class sequences.  Plank is all about activating your core, and when we say core we're not just talking your six pack!  Your core is composed of a group of muscles that wrap around your mid-trunk area (including abs, back, and legs) and work together to stabilize your spine and pelvis.
     FlightCamp TRX plank can be especially challenging with the combination of suspension, points of contact, and angle of movement. Check out some examples of correct plank allignment in 2 common TRX positions.



Alligned plank:

                                                                                                   Arching :


Alligned Plank:

Take Flight......
sweat, strength and fun.
The FlightCamp TRX crew