1. Do it for love.
Yep. do it for love. Get on the treadmill because you can't wait to hear your awesome playlist, or go sweat it out in bootcamp because it gives you an endorphin high.
We often make fitness goals from a place of dissatisfaction which ingrains the habit of motivating with negativity. You're much less likely to keep at it if you waste your entire workout feeling dissatisfied. It's ok to want to shed a pound, or bulk up your biceps but don't let it be your ultimate goal.
2. Get going with goals
Take a moment to write down what you want, and why you want it, then tack it on your fridge, really. Read it everyday, think about it, do it; action follows intention.
3. Create accountability
Start with a bootcamp, make a workout date, or gather a group for a fitness challenge.
Make your accountability points specific (i.e. a weekly class, date/time as opposed to an open membership or hazy plan) so you know what you're going after.
4. Avoid all or nothing
If you miss a day, chomp on cookies for dinner, or feel too tired one day don't scrap your entire plan or feel like you have to start over again. Keep on track and add an extra day the same week, tack on another day at the end of your timeline. Recommit and move on.
5. Just one more
We all know the just one....., just one day off , just one less situp.... just one.
Become your own personal trainer and use your just one as encouragement instead of excuse. Just one more pushup, just one glass of water instead of soda, just one bit closer to your goal.
Copywright Flightcamp TRX.
Do not copy, paste, or rewrite without permission.
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